Kryon's 7 Cosmic Laws from the perspective of the Akashic Records
Today I just completed this podcast series - Kryon's 7 Cosmic Laws.
As a free resource there are 7 podcasts.
Kryon is an energy channeled by Lee Carroll, who has written well over 30 books on his work and travels the world to share his messages of peace and unit. Lee has channeled several times at the United Nations.
Kryon's 7 Cosmic Laws are
1. You can never return to a less-aware state.
2. In every Human Being there is profound divinity. But it's not intuitive.
3. You are Dearly Loved.
4. Everything that you learn spiritually in one expression carries over to the next.
5. You give permission of the Cosmos to rearrange things around you.
6. As soon as you start this search of yours, as soon as you push on the door, as soon as Spirit sees pure intent, all of your universal family knows it.
7. Every single one of you has an effect on the fabric of reality on this planet when you send light.
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