The Akashic Records - my first conscious connection
I didn't know anything about the Akashic Records. I had learned about reflexology, energy work and even the Universal Calibration Lattice, or UCL® (our electromagnetic field)...but I knew nothing about the energy of the Akashic Field or Akashic Records.Then one day I received a book from my One Spirit book club that I hadn't ordered. I specifically declined it...but it turned up anyway!
I opened it and flicked through it...thinking..."I'll never read it!"
That book was How to Read the Akashic Records: Accessing the Archive of the Soul and Its Journey by Linda Howe.
Odd things happened when I opened this book
I started to read the book...something about it drew me in. About halfway through I began to feel energy moving all over the outside of my body. To be honest it freaked me out!So I put the book on my bookshelf with all the other spiritual books sitting there (I have an SBH - Spiritual Book Habit) and left it at that, this was early in 2010.
Later that year I went through the difficult experience of losing my mother -- as part of this experience I found that I was going through another spiritual awakening as my mother in her last months began to realize that her energy field really did exist - and so did Loved Ones beyond the veil.
A few months after my mother's passing I began the search for greater did my mother know the things she did as we worked together on her health - and how did I experience moments with her energy and the energy of her family members who had already passed on?
I picked up the book again
This time I finished reading the book and the feeling of the energy moving over me was more comfortable. I spent time accessing my Akashic Records using the Pathway Prayer Process© and found that I was able to give readings for other people simply and easily.Ultimately I took some of Linda Howe's courses and became a Certified Advanced Practitioner with the Center for Akashic Studies. Since then, I have continued to access my own Akashic Records for spiritual development and I also regularly give Akashic Records Readings for clients.
Recently I've developed my own Akashic Coaching Course for clients, to help anyone who wants to learn how to access their own Akashic Records easily and effectively as part of their spiritual practice. Clients are enjoying this Skype coaching course and getting great results!
Kryon starts talking about the Akashic Records and the Elusive Akash
I've been following the work of Lee Carroll for years, an author, spiritual speaker and channeler of Kryon, an angelic entity. He may be best known for the Kryon work and one of his more mainstream books called The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived.How I got connected with the Kryon work is a whole other story! What was interesting to note though was that a lot of the Kryon channelings started mentioning the Akashic Records and the system of the Akash -- and how many of us are here to awaken people to the concept of their own Akashic Energy.
I continue to read, learn and apply. I'm working on some new Akashic Courses which will be available as soon as I can finish them!
In the mean time - are you familiar with the Akashic Records or curious to learn more?
What's your story?First published at New World Energetics
Akashic Records Readings with Sarah>>
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