Are you interested in an Akashic Records Reading? Then here's a chance to win a free half-hour!
This week I'm offering the chance to win a half-hour Akashic Records reading as a promotion. I've been giving readings for nearly two years now and the results this type of reading can achieve for a client never ceases to amaze me. I'm beginning to think that this is not necessarily the 'New Age', but the 'Akashic Age!'
Why the Akashic Age?
Reading the Akashic Records enables us to shift to a different state of consciousness where we can learn more about our Soul Level Truths.This can be anything from a hidden desire or sense of something about ourselves, to an awakening knowledge that we are not really living our life's truths or our innate sense of purpose, which is different for everyone.
For example, it could be as simple as... 'I know I don't want to eat meat anymore...but I'm not acting on it - yet', or as complex as 'the lifestyle I'm living is not a match for my essential values - and on some level, I know that and it's affecting my health!'
The Akashic Records - simply a different State of Consciousness
Being in the State of Consciousness where we can read the Akashic Records gives us more opportunities to connect with our own Inner Truths and Inner Wisdom and ultimately decide whether we're ready to act on those truths.It can also be as simple as discovering why you may not get on well with.... (insert person's name here), or which house to buy (houses have Akashic Records too as do all non-living things)...or even what can be learned from a Past Life experience.
If any of these opportunities appeal to you on your journey of Personal Development and Spiritual Growth, then feel free to enter to win below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This giveaway will stay open from September 17th-September 24th 2013 at midnight, so if you have friends who you think would benefit from a reading or be intrigued by these ideas, feel free to share.
On Facebook? Feel free to join my Akashic Messages Facebook Page.
Note: If you happen to win this promotion and you live in the Wichita area then I can give you the reading personally if you wish. If not, then you'll need to receive the reading by phone in the continental USA or via Skype if you live elsewhere in the world.
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